to be silently swallowed up whole (2023/2024)
new skin (2023)
Observation workshop (2023)
De Gids / illustrations (2024–2011)
a room of ones own (2022)
motherboard (2020/21)
salon hang @ Kunstverein 2021
shadow self (2021)
stages (2021)
belated gestation – video (2020)
for sale (?)
zen garden (2021)
Proximities (2020)
records sleeves / 'Vessels' (2020/21)
Escapism (2020)
home recordings (ongoing)
belated gestation (2019/20)
Hadean Radio (ongoing)
Hands of my Mother (2018)
square thoughts,
various titles; (ongoing)
Sitterwerk (2017)
Lets talk about the weather (2017)
u r my rock (2019)
Triptic (2018)
Volcanic Library (2017)
‘Bar’ (2nd instalment, 2016)
Fissure (ongoing–2016)
‘Bar’ (1st instalment, 2016)
Postcards #0:)X (2016)
Artist Trading Cards (ongoing)
‘Bar’ (sketches)
deep time (2016)

14m30 (2016)

Speculate Volcanic Activities (2014–2020)
Brainwaves (2016)
before i expire (2016)
farrago (X)
Material Index 01:
pencil and tools (2015)
Material Index 02:
text (2015)
Material Index 03:
landscapes and soil (2015)
Material Index 04:
matter (2015)
BYU#37 Bottles
tantrum loop
for summer sadness
Megadance 1993

6m56 (2013)

Systems (2014)
Het Duifje
A meta-destination for Science Fiction beginners
Terms of Circumstance (2014)
Alongside her artistic practice, Lotte collaborates on various design projects see:
Lotte Lara Schröder (Amsterdam, 1988) navigates the study of ecological natural phenomena through a narrative voice emanating from the realm of personal experience. Balancing her practice on the border of pragmatic and poetic, her works manifest as drawings, printed matter, soundworks/installation and video. Touching upon her background in design, her works are often underpinned by graphical frameworks and formats.

Her ongoing research has most recently brought her to contemplate volcanic energy; [insert here a sentence or two as to why volcanic energy interests you]. Since receiving the Talent Development grant from the Stimuleringsfonds, her main focus has been developing various works all deriving from her research into Volcanoes as; art object, subject, social surrounding, anomalies, distructors, and ground to look into the more personal and poetic aspects of this predominantly scientific topics.

curriculum vitae

to be silently swallowed up whole (2023/2024)
Salonhang ‘24 Kunstverein Amsterdam

Double sided mixed media collages, various sizes (A5–A3)


results from the Venice Mapping workshop at Ca’Buccarri (Venice, IT)
organized by Erica Overmeer and Ivan Martinez

new skin

bathing in the sun cycle
scaling down the wall
extra terrestrial senses
a new start to it all


Observation workshop
December 2023, MA Graphic Design @ EKA, Tallinn (Estonia)

View workshop PDF

results of the workshop


De Gids (2024–2014)
Illustrations for Dutch literary magazine De Gids


a room of ones own

part of depend on me (2022) drawing series made together with Nulu Nakalema

A room of one’s own is a collaboration I have with Nulu, a young mother who I met through De Regenboog foundation. It is an ongoing series of drawings in which ‘the room’ is central. Not just any room, but one in which we can give free rein to our imagination and exhibit our ambitions and dreams for the future.

The structure of the room arose from observing the precarious situation in which Nulu finds herself. A number of minimal lines form a spatial structure that we can complete together and individually.

Nulu has gone through an uncertain period in the past two years. She remains in this situation, in which she has seen and lived in many different rooms. This made me hesitate to propose using the room as a structure for our drawing collaboration. But as a structure in which physical and mental spaces merge together, the room seemed the best way to give shape to this precarious situation. The room as a drawing tool has proved to be an exciting field to research for both of us. It is a place where we can use our different backgrounds to work towards a common goal.

We are able to show the power of imagination and how making images can help with healing. The room gives our voice a clear shape and enables us to be part of the world around us. Listen to some audio fragments here



drawings / small scale stages (work in process)



drawings part of the book Nabijheid/Nearness published by Valiz, Amsterdam


zen garden

obscure and poetic security system in front of the DNB building on the Sarphatistraat


candles for Salon Hang 2021
organised by Kunstverein Amsterdam

shadow self (volcanic lullaby)
part of Pillow Lava event
visuals for part I, II, III by Janette Mark



acrylic, gouache, 30 x 40 cm

belated gestation (7 minute audio gesture)

Plural Fertilities
Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen, 14.06.2020 – 06.09.2020


view publication here:
An Archive of Social Distance
a project by ABC Days

+ New Heights
inktjet photo print/collages, 42 x 59,4 cm


pencil drawing, 15 x 20 cm
Hahnemühle paper, 1/1, €250,-

pencil drawing, 20 x 30 cm
Watercolour paper, edition of 10, €200,-

New Heights
inktjet photo print, 42 x 59,4 cm, 1/1, part of Escapism
€450,- (with frame €550,-)

System Structure #4
gouache, 20 x 30 cm, part of belated gestation audio gesture
€250,- (with frame €300,-)

Thought for food
inkjet photo print on Hahnemühle FineArt Baryta
40 x 40 cm, €150,- per print

More images see: square thoughts

System Structure #10
gouache, 32 x 42 cm, part of belated gestation audio gesture
€350,- (with frame €450,-)

Healing Crystals
inkjet photo print on Hahnemühle Photorag paper, size: A3+


15.05.2020_home recording 10

05.04.2020_home recording 07

02.06.2019_home recording 04

28.02.2019_home recording 01

05.04.2020_home recording 09

15.07.2019_home recording 06

12.05.2019_home recording 03

11.09.2019_home recording 08

09.06.2019_home recording 05

23.03.2019_home recording 02


record sleeves, mixed media collages, 315 x 315 x 2mm, front+back, vinyl not included (yet!)


Hadean Radio

Hadean Radio is a project together with sound artist Glenn Ryszko, creating auditive experiences that dive into the temporal spaces and voices that inhabit the ever present void.

Hands of my mother

pencil drawings, 24x32cm

Square thoughts, various titles;
Deathbeds, Alterego, Kamchatka, Swallow what you can chew, Catching a taxbreak, Travelthoughts
video 02

belated gestation

series of drawings, acrylic paint + gouache (various sizes)

u r my rock

laserprint, gouache, 21 x 29,7cm


Artist Trading Cards
mixed media, 64 X 89 mm

for more info visit:

series of drawings; pencil, pen, letraset lettering, ink, various sizes

residency at the Sitterwerk Library, Switserland in October 2017. Pencil drawings (various sizes), A4 full-colour inkjet prints, photographs, A4 publication compiled of library materials.

Volcanic Library

presentation at the Rietveld library. Series of drawings based on volcanic energy bibliography, together with a talk and A2 riso hand-out

Let talk about the weather

mural installation; vinyl sticker photo's, plexiglass with vinyl lettering, instant photographs 46 x 62mm,
part of the exhibition Signals from the Periphery, Tallinn (Estonia)


deep time (a performative experience aprox. 30min)
part of Nachtelijke Dwalingen at the Oude Kerk Amsterdam, 17.12.2016

Friction (soundscape), ceramic bowls + straws, booze, text, fluorescent lighting, I-pad sweater video (also see Brainwaves)

series of volcanic postcard collages, A4 (21 x 29,7cm)

‘Bar’ (2nd instalment)

14.04 – 30.04.2017 at Plan B projects, Amsterdam.

‘Bar’ is one of the first works to emerge out of the research project Volcanic Energy. This spacial installation, in its various states, tries to activate the notion of a different time frame. Current time can make the body feel out of sync with its surroundings. To try and develop a different sensory of the body related to time and space, ‘Bar’ engages in the establishment of temporal relationship between the body and the geological concept of deep-time*.
All elements in and around ‘Bar’ are coordinated to extract oneself from the constant ‘contemporary’ mindset that is strongly implemented on our bodies and brains. The works presented at ‘Bar’ balance between art object and (found) artefact. When in active modus, ‘Bar’ tries to embody (and control) all the elements of its present surroundings; sound, smell and perception. When in passive active state, ‘Bar’ can be observed and utilised as a mental exercise, providing the framework to try and implement the notion of deep time. This temporal extraction from reality, enables the body/mind to step out of the normal contemporary time-frame. Alcoholic drinks help to increase the surrendering of the self and the collective consumption from the volcanic bowls helps to entrench the self into this new environment.

*Deep Time is a concept of geological concept which traces the life time of the earth.

‘Bar’ (2016–2017)

mixed-media installation: ceramic bowl, straws + cup, Material Index drawings, postcard Hell-mouth + plexiglas with vinyl lettering, postcard ‘Bodytext’; 16x23cm, fluorescent light, notebook, Risoprint A3, sound: speaker, amplifier and microphone.


Postcards #0:)X
(for; 'Bar' part of Volcanic Energy, 2016)
concept, photography, images by Lotte Lara Schröder
black and white photographs in collaboration with Glenn Ryszko
The Inner Workings of Clouds: abridged version
by Mathew Kneebone.
Printed at Drukkerij Tienkamp, Groningen
Edition of 50 (signed sets of 9 postcards)

Published as part of *‘Bar’ a in situ installation
set in deep time. First presented during DDW 2016 –
part of In No Particular Order. Printed with generous
support of the Stimulerings Fonds.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License;

Much love and thanks to Yael Davids, Maria Pask, Helena Lambrechts, Yana Foqué, Elaja Telman, Amalia Groom, Glenn Ryszko, Rutger de Vries, Mathew Kneebone and all that have supported this project in its various phases.


Brainwaves, BYU event, 19.05.2016 @ KV Amsterdam
soundscape Friction
I-pad video sweater (see deep time)
Scan-brainwave, riso print 32 x 42 cm, framed
Technical Instructions, pen, pencil, ink and instant photographs, 21 x 29,7 cm, one inkjet reproduction framed

before i expire (2016)
riso and inkjet prints, gouache, various sizes
show together with Brainwaves
In before i expire, a personal ADD test is being used as the basis, adding new layers to explore the language that is used to explore the 'self' and expose the intergral dynamiscs of this system. The visual language mimics the scientific language of diagrams, statistics, system charts and juxtaposes this analysis with a personal interpretation of the data. To create more freedom for the reader in how to read and deconstruct the produced data.

misc. (no date)

Material Index 01: pencil and tools
Iceland (2015)
Pencil, various sizes

Material Index 02: text
Iceland (2015)
Gouach, pen, letraset lettering, various sizes

Material Index 03: landscape and soil
Iceland (2015)
Gouach, pen, crayons, letraset lettering, instant photo's, various sizes

Material Index 04: matter
Iceland (2015)
Gouach, letraset lettering, instant photo's, various sizes

bottle text and design for BYU #37 event at Kunstverein 14.01.2016


Meta destination for sci-fi beginners
booklet; 14x21cm, bw riso and full-colour inlay and dvd insert of The Happening 1m25, edition of 30 (numbered)

System drawings, pencil, pen, letraset lettering, various sizes

Volcanic Matters 2014–2020

tantrum loop for summer sadness

Open Artroute Zuid-Oost Amsterdam, June 2015
together with Natalia Rebelo


Terms of Circumstance (.org)

visual created during a week long stay in London, website and full-colour laserprinted A5 booklet